Union parliamentarians to discuss preparation of new environmental programmes
15:34, 19 February

Photo from the archives
A meeting of the Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia on Natural Resources, Ecology and Environmental Protection will be held on 26 February via video-conference, the press service of the assembly informed BELTA.
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‘The parliamentarians will consider the preparation of a joint proposal on the development of the Union State programme ‘Development of basic elements of systems for forecasting the emergence of forest fires, identification of their foci, determination of spreading trends, damage assessments based on forest inventory and space monitoring data using advanced target equipment of Earth remote sensing spacecraft’ (‘Kosmodozor-SG’), as well as the development of the Union State project ‘Ensuring Environmental Safety’.
In addition, parliamentarians will be provided with information on the Union State event ‘Provision of comprehensive medical assistance to certain categories of citizens of Belarus and Russia exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster’ and on the implementation of the programme of joint activities of Belarus and Russia within the framework of the Union State to protect the population and rehabilitate the territories affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster.
Representatives of the Standing Committee of the Union State, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia, the Ministries of Finance of the two countries, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the State Corporation ‘Roscosmos’ were invited to participate in the meeting