CEC of Belarus: early voting will begin 5 days before the election and will be held from January 21 to January 25
10:00, 13 January
According to Igor Karpenko, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Belarus, voters who will not be able to attend polling stations on January 26 have the right to vote ahead of schedule. Precinct election commissions will work from 12 to 19 hours without a break during the early voting period, BELTA has learned.
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On the main voting day, January 26, voters will be able to cast their vote for the chosen candidate from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. It is also possible to vote at home on election day, according to applications from voters. The CEC reported that in the event that a voter is unable to come to the polling station on election day for health reasons or for other valid reasons, he has the right to apply in writing or verbally to the relevant precinct commission with a request to organize voting at his location. "A voter can submit such a request to the precinct election commission with the assistance of other persons, for example, relatives, neighbors. Official confirmation of the reasons for the inability to come to the polling station is not required," the Central Election Commission explained. They also clarified that the voter has the right to request the organization of voting at his place of residence until 6 p.m. on January 26.